4 - 23 - 95 Frank, 36 yrs. of age, looks much younger, single, lives in Staten Island and did the shoot in The Senton Hotel on West 27th St. He told me that last time he had sex with a women was in January, when he was in Las Vegas and paid a hooker $300 and often pays hookers in NYC $125, wants to get into doing porn, so he can get laid. He's short and not good-looking and mentioned that he did not like fake breasts on women. Masturbated during the shoot.
5 - 7 - 95 Bob, I photographed him twice before and told me that he was married when he was younger. Has a girlfriend now and I asked him, if he was in love and he replied, "in lust".
5 - 20 - 95 Bob, 36 yrs. age, young-looking, living in Kings Park, Long Island. I took the LI railroad which took 1 1/2 hrs. to get there and arrived in his studio apt., once he picked me up at the train station. He was doing the photo shoot for the experience and also did some video on him while he was in the shower. He didn't have a girlfriend and was currently unemployed. He had a bottle of white wine and played some light music, while he masturbated during the shoot.
He drove me back into the city after his shoot.
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